Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Woohoo! No more exams for moi! Hahahahahahahahaha *lording it over those who still do* ;P

Well, God bless na lang sa inyo! :)

Onto WoT [Wheel of Time]...

Now that I've time I'll be reading and devouring Jordan's books...hahaha!!! XD
Also, right now I'm checking out the fan art...which is just wrong for me coz I'll be influenced by it and will no longer be able to draw my own version of WoT characters...sigh...

Oh well, I'll just try my best...and also, it's a good thing then that I've not found any artworks of Rand, and some others (like Nyneave, Elayne...etc)....Actually, I only found a nice pic of Mat and Faile...though for the pic of Faile, I have still my own image of her in my head. :D The one of Mat though...hehe, no complaints on that one. :)

Artist's Site...check it out... Click Here

Later, am on gonna read now.


Arrival: 10:28pm on the others side of the road
HA! I made it to Katips with 30minutes to spare before the curfew!!! Hahahahaha!!

To my kin (if you're reading this): Yes, I studies first and all that. I don't mean to sound bratty here but...I needed a break and my homework's almost done anyway. So chill, alright?

Anyway, about the launch it was okay...I risked getting spoiled (and had in fact heard two spoilers!!! Dang! I could have avoided it, but it was too late... T-T ...oh well, I guess my luck wasn't with me...) but the lure of it all had already chained me since last week so there was no helping it. It was fun still (even with the low is finals week after all, and a work day at that).

About the book (Knife of Dreams if you still didn't know...[8- I'm rolling my eyes at those who actually didn't (O_o)] I find the Orbit edition has a better cover for me coz...(you wanna know the truth?) I don't like TOR's art. Sure, it's cool in a just doesn't cut it for me...but then again, it's just me and its my boat floating here (obviuosly alluding to the saying "whatever floats your boat").

There were two cosplayers at the launch. A Nyneave and cool...and I like the sword dude, it was wicked cool. Wish I held it. Oh well. >.<>.< :D

Well, can't say much anymore...too lazy...and I've to finish my papers...Baaaaad me, skipping out on my homework for Wheel of Time...really bad...XD oh well, it's too late to change it! Ha-ha! ;P :)



Walking blindly through this muddle of thoughts not my own, I find myself losing my identity and thus do I begin seeing things with eyes not mine own...

~written because of an essay am writing [which I think is already too late] for lit

Sunday, October 09, 2005



It's a link...CLICK ON IT!!!
events on when you're free, go!


My mind's a whirl.

So many things to much to study for...sigh... head... >.<

Well..finals start tomorrow..."Finals"...not as daunting as I'd's actually this weekend that's more of hell...hmm...maybe I won't be thinking that during the exams, eh? /:)

Sigh...I can't wait for sembreak...

I'm beginning to think I'll be like this >> x_x after brain would be so drained I won't even be able to pack for Baguio...

Monday, October 03, 2005


I'm really gonna fail filipino now...sigh...sorry M, but you DID say you were gonna lift some words from the script that we could use. And suddenly you say we don't HAVE a script. Impromptu is SO NOT my forte...and this is filipino we're talking about here...aww man...doomed.

and I still have those papers to write...sheesh......
